Chandler Analytical Laboratories began as a wet chemistry forage analysis lab in 1981. We have expanded our services over the years, now offering NIR analysis and water quality testing. We are a privately-owned company located in Chandler, AZ.
As the only NFTA-certified laboratory in Arizona, our mission is to offer high quality service to the western regions of the U.S. Using a more local laboratory for your testing needs eliminates typical delays in data reporting due to reduced shipping transit time.
Forage Analysis
We analyze a variety of agricultural products including alfalfa hay and all alfalfa products, corn and other small grain silages, whole grains, distillers grains, grasses, total mixed rations and supplements. Call to inquire about other products. If you grow it, chances are we can test it. Our laboratory provides accurate and consistent nutritional analyses using traditional wet chemistry techniques as well as by NIR.
Heavy Metals Testing
We now offer heavy metals (as well as Selenium) testing on a wide range of samples including agricultural products, mineral supplements and water (livestock and drinking water).
Aflatoxin Analysis
Let us give you peace of mind when it comes to your cottonseed and small grain silages. Our laboratory has consistently been ranked one of the highest in the nation for aflatoxin analysis.
Water Testing
How safe is your drinking water? The only way to find out is by having it tested. Water from all sources contains both natural and human and/or animal-caused contamination. We test drinking water as well as livestock water, ponds and fountains. We are no longer certified by the Arizona Department of Health Services for compliance testing but we still do annual proficiency testing for our water analysis.
Years Experience
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